The second post of this series focuses on how to run a Livy server instance and start playing with its REST APIs. The steps below are meant for a Linux environment (any distribution). Prerequisites The prerequisites to start a Livy server are the following: The JAVA_HOME env variable set to a JDK/JRE 8 installation. A running Spark cluster. Starting the Livy server Download the latest version ( 0.4.0-incubating at the time this post is written) from the official website and extract the archive content (it is a ZIP file). Then setup the SPARK_HOME env variable to the Spark location in the server (for simplicity in this post I am assuming that the cluster is in the same machine as for the Livy server, but in the next post I will go through the customization of the configuration files, including the connection to a remote Spark cluster, wherever it is). By default Livy writes its logs into the $LIVY_HOME/logs location: you need to manually create this directory. Finally ...
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