My first Open Source Hubot script has been released and is available in my GitHub space. It provides support to check the status of pipelines in a Streamsets Data Collector server. It is still in alpha release, but the development is ongoing, so new features and improvements will be constantly implemented. Enjoy it!
Sometimes you would need to export a sample of the data from an InfluxDB table to a CSV file (for example to allow a data scientist to do some offline analysis using a tool like Jupyter, Zeppelin or Spark Notebook). It is possible to perform this operation through the influx command line client. This is the general syntax: sudo /usr/bin/influx -database '<database_name>' -host '<hostname>' -username '<username>' -password '<password>' -execute 'select_statement' -format '<format>' > <file_path>/<file_name>.csv where the format could be csv , json or column . Example: sudo /usr/bin/influx -database 'telegraf' -host 'localhost' -username 'admin' -password '123456789' -execute 'select * from mem' -format 'csv' > /home/googlielmo/influxdb-export/mem-export.csv
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