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Unit testing Spark applications in Scala (Part 1): Intro to ScalaTest

This new series is about exploring useful frameworks and practices to unit testing Spark applications implemented in Scala. This first post is a quick introduction to ScalaTest, the most popular unit testing  framework for Scala applications.
ScalaTest could be used to do unit testing with other languages like Scala.js and Java, but this post will focus on Scala only. I am going to refer to the latest table version (3.0.1) at the moment this post is being written.
Let's see how ScalaTest works. Suppose we have a very simple Scala application with 2 classes, one called Basket:

package ie.googlielmo.scalatestexample

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

class Basket  {
  private val fruits = new ArrayBuffer[Fruit]

  def addFruit (fruit: Fruit) { fruits += fruit}
  def removeFruit (fruit: Fruit) { fruits -= fruit}
  def getFruits = fruits.toList
which has a single attribute, an ArrayBuffer of Fruit, a simple case class:

package ie.googlielmo.scalatestexample

case class Fruit(name:String)

and methods to add to or remove a fruit from the basket and to get the list of current fruits in the basket.
In order to write unit tests for the Basket class we need to add the ScalaTest dependency in the sbt build file for the project as follows:

libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.1" % "test"

Or, if you use Maven,  add the dependency to the project pom.xml file as follows:


The central unit of composition in ScalaTest is Suite, which represents a suite of tests. ScalaTest provides several style traits that extend Suite. They override its lifecycle methods to support different testing styles. If you come from TDD and/or you are familiar with JUnit probably the first choice to start would be the FunSuite style trait. Basically it is a JUnit-like style but coming with some benefits of BDD. In this case a test suite for the Basket class could be implemented this way:

import org.scalatest.FunSuite

class BasketSuite extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfter {
  var basket : Basket = _

  before {
    basket = new Basket()

  test("An empty Basket should have 0 fruits") {
    assert(basket.getFruits.size == 0)

  test("Adding one fruit") {
    basket.addFruit(new Fruit("Pear"))
    assert(basket.getFruits.size == 1)

  test("Removing one fruit") {
    basket.addFruit(new Fruit("Banana"))
    basket.removeFruit(new Fruit("Pear"))
    assert(basket.getFruits.size == 1)

The BeforeAndAfter trait provides the before and after methods to initialize and destroy objects used across the unit tests for a test suite class. The description used for each test method is the label you will see in the reports generated at the end of unit tests execution.

If you are used to BDD probalby a better choice for you would be the FlatSpec suite trait. The implementation of unit test for the Basket class would be something like this:

package ie.googlielmo.scalatestexample

import org.scalatest.FlatSpec

class BasketSpec extends FlatSpec {
  var basket : Basket = new Basket()

  "An empty Basket" should "have 0 fruits" in {
    assert(Set.empty.size == 0)

  it should "contain 1 fruit when adding one" in {
    basket.addFruit(new Fruit("Pear"))
    assert(basket.getFruits.size == 1)

  it should "contain 1 fruit when removing one" in {
    basket.addFruit(new Fruit("Banana"))
    basket.removeFruit(new Fruit("Pear"))
    assert(basket.getFruits.size == 1)

Again, the description chosen for each test method here is the label shown the in the reports generated at the end of unit tests execution.
There are 8 Suite traits available in ScalaTest. I am not going to desribe all of them in this post, you can find all of the details in the official framework documentation. I will probably add some more details in the next posts of this series when describing specific test cases for Spark applications.
It is possible, just in case, to use different testing styles for the same Scala project. The full battery of unit tests will be executed any way, as shown in the snapshot below:

Note for Maven users only: you need to disable SureFire and enable ScalaTest in order to execute ScalaTest unit tests. This can be done registering the following plugin into the project pom.xml file: 
    <filereports>WDF TestSuite.txt</filereports>

In the next post we will learn how to start unit testing simple Spark jobs and why ScalaTest alone isn't enough for this purpose. Stay tuned!


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