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SuggestBox in GWT UiBuinder

I am currently working also on a project hosted on Google App Engine ( and I want to share some tips about some of the frameworks offered by the GAE environment.
Today I want to talk about a problem we had using the GWT SuggestBox component while making UiBinder layouts. The class is a text box or text area which displays a pre-configured set of selections that match the user's input. Each SuggestBox is associated with a single The SuggestOracle is used to provide a set of selections given a specific query string. Our application provides a method to retrieve suggestions from the backend while a user writes into the SuggestBox. This worked fine with a GWT Java layout, but moving to UiBinder layout we faced the following problem. We added a SuggestBox to a view through the GWT designer. The code generated was the following:

<g:SuggestBox ui:field="fromSuggestBox"/>

SuggestBox fromSuggestBox;
Then we added to the View class the method to populate the MultiWordSuggestOracle to be passed to the SuggestBox:
private MultiWordSuggestOracle createOracle() {
        MultiWordSuggestOracle oracle = new MultiWordSuggestOracle();
        // Code to retrieve values
        return oracle;
So we set the attribute provided to true for the @UiField annotation
@UiField(provided = true)
SuggestBox fromSuggestBox;
and tried to manually create the SuggestBox instance into the constructor of the View class before invoking 
the initWidget method
public Tracking(String firstName) {
        SuggestBox fromSuggestBox = new SuggestBox(createOracle());
But the application throwed an exception at runtime while rendering the view. This doesn't work. The only way to populate a SuggestBox in a UiBinder view is to create the Suggest Box instance while declaring it

@UiField(provided = true)
SuggestBox fromSuggestBox = new SuggestBox(createOracle());
and not inside the View class constructor.


  1. Thanks a lot.. spend a lot of time in rectifying the error...
    It will work only when we declare like -
    @UiField(provided = true)
    SuggestBox box = new SuggestBox(createOracle());


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