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Showing posts from August, 2018

AI with the Best 2018 conference

I am proud to share that I will give a talk at the AI With the Best 2018 conference. The title of my talk is "Why Scala for Data Science?" and it is part of the "AI in Action" track. There I am going to cover some topics of my upcoming book . The conference will happen on September Friday 14th 2018. It is an online event. Buying a ticket for this event will give you also access to the recording of all the talks in the next 2 months after the conference end (just in case you should miss some during the live streaming). You will have also a chance to interact with the speakers and book 1:1 time with some of them. Please have a look at the list of speakers and talk topics: it is very impressive. I hope you will attend it!

Deploying and scaling an Oracle database on a multi-node Kubernetes cluster

In this post I am going to explain how to deploy and scale a Oracle Express database on a multi-node Kubernetes cluster. I am going to use this Docker container by Maxym Bylenko.  I am referring to the container for the Oracle XE 11g because of the following open issue with that for Oracle XE 12c at the time I did the process described below. I am assuming the readers have at least basic or middle level knowledge of the Kubernetes concepts. First thing to do is to create a Pod. We can do this (and other operations described in this post) declaratively through a YAML file: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata:   name: "oradb" labels:   name: "oradb" spec:     containers:       - image: "sath89/oracle-xe-11g:latest"         name: "oradb"         ports:           - containerPort: 1521      ...