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Showing posts from October, 2017

Exporting InfluxDB data to a CVS file

Sometimes you would need to export a sample of the data from an InfluxDB table to a CSV file (for example to allow a data scientist to do some offline analysis using a tool like Jupyter, Zeppelin or Spark Notebook). It is possible to perform this operation through the influx command line client. This is the general syntax: sudo /usr/bin/influx -database '<database_name>' -host '<hostname>' -username '<username>'  -password '<password>' -execute 'select_statement' -format '<format>' > <file_path>/<file_name>.csv where the format could be csv , json or column . Example: sudo /usr/bin/influx -database 'telegraf' -host 'localhost' -username 'admin'  -password '123456789' -execute 'select * from mem' -format 'csv' > /home/googlielmo/influxdb-export/mem-export.csv

All Day DevOps 2017 is coming!

All Day DevOps 2017 online conference is coming on October 24th 2017. Last year I had a chance to attend it and I can confirm that the overall quality of the talks was excellent. Looking at this year's agenda it seems more promising than 2016's. I heartily recommend attending it to everyone interested in DevOps matters.