In the past weeks, in order to explore new ways to improve DevOps people daily job introducing chatbots, I had a chance to evaluate and play with Hubot . It is an Open Source chat robot implemented by GitHub Inc. which is easy to program using simple scripts written in CoffeeScript and runs on Node.js . I started almost from scratch, being this my first production experience with Node.js and the first experience at all with CoffeeScript. In this post I am sharing just the basics to start implementing a personal Hubot. Prerequisites to follow this tutorial are Node.js and the npm package manager for JavaScript. Download and install the latest versions for your OS. In this post I am going to refer to Node.js 6.10.3 and npm 4.6.1. First of all you need to install the Hubot generator: npm install -g yo generator-hubot Then create the directory for your first Hubot: mkdir firstbot and generate the bot instance through the yeoman generator: cd firstbot yo hubot At creat...
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