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Showing posts from March, 2017

Unit testing Spark applications in Scala (Part 1): Intro to ScalaTest

This new series is about exploring useful frameworks and practices to unit testing Spark applications implemented in Scala . This first post is a quick introduction to ScalaTest, the most popular unit testing  framework for Scala applications. ScalaTest could be used to do unit testing with other languages like Scala.js and Java, but this post will focus on Scala only. I am going to refer to the latest table version (3.0.1) at the moment this post is being written. Let's see how ScalaTest works. Suppose we have a very simple Scala application with 2 classes, one called Basket : package ie.googlielmo.scalatestexample import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer class Basket { private val fruits = new ArrayBuffer[Fruit] def addFruit (fruit: Fruit) { fruits += fruit} def removeFruit (fruit: Fruit) { fruits -= fruit} def getFruits = fruits .toList }   which has a single attribute, an ArrayBuffer of Fruit , a simple case class: package ie.googlielmo.scalatestexa...

Publish to Kafka Jenkins plugin release 1.0 available

I am glad to announce that the first major release of the Jenkins post-build action plugin to publish build jobs execution data to a Kafka topic is now available on my GitHub space . You can find all the details in the project README file. Please send me your feedback commenting this post or adding a new issue (enhancement, change request or bug) to the GitHub plugin repository whether you have a chance to use it. Thanks a lot.