Apache JMeter ( http://jmeter.apache.org/ ) added support for MongoDB since its 2.10 release. In this post I am referring to the latest JMeter release (2.13). A preliminary JMeter setup is needed before starting your first test plan for MongoDB. It uses Groovy as scripting reference language, so Groovy needs to be set up for our favorite load testing tool. Follow these steps to complete the set up: Download Groovy from the official website ( http://www.groovy-lang.org/download.html ). In this post I am referring to the Groovy release 2.4.4, but using later versions is fine. Copy the groovy-all-2.4.4.jar to the $JMETER_HOME/lib folder. Restart JMeter if it was running while adding the Groovy JAR file. Now you can start creating a test plan for MongoDB load testing. From the UI select the MongoDB template ( File -> Templates... ). The new test plan has a MongoDB Source Config element. Here you have to setup the connection details for the database to be tested: The Threa...
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