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Showing posts from February, 2015

Automatically sending artifacts from Jenkins to a repository manager: the quickest (and not so dirty) way

In order to store artifacts in a repository at the end of a successful build some plugins are available in the Jenkins update centre. The configuration of these plugins is sometimes tricky, the documentation poor or not updated and some of them are tested (and work) only against one of the available Open Source and commercial build artifact repository managers and fail against others. A quick and not so dirty general way to complete this action is described in this post. This solution works fine against Apache Archiva, but it should work fine with Artifactory or Nexus as well. You need to add a Invoke top-level Maven target as latest build step for the build job you're running to build your Java application/library and configure it the following way: Maven version : any Maven version you need (you can use the default for your Jenkins instance or one among the different releases that you may have set up for it). Goals : deploy:deploy-file -Dfile=<application_root>\target\...