I think that the best library to connect to and interact with Facebook from a Java web application is Facebook4j ( http://facebook4j.org/en/index.html ). I am not a big fan of Facebook, but I needed to interact with the most popular social network and had to search for a solution to this requirement. Facebook4j is an high level Java library for the Facebook Graph API. It doesn't require additional dependencies, it's Open Source and released under the Apache License 2.0 and it has built-in OAuth support. The learning curve is very low and you need just few lines of code to perform any kind of interaction with Facebook. Before moving to Facebook4j I tried also other APIs (among them RestFB and the now deprecated java-facebook-api) and Spring Social. At the end Facebook4j was the best, the most well documented and the easiest to use. I had to discard Spring Social because the application I am working on is not Spring based. This application is hosted on Google App Engine and I eas...
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